We think in generations
As a family-owned company, we feel the urgency to contribute to a sustainable and bright future for our kids and grandkids. Here’s what we’ve done at Franklin Foods for climate protection while recognizing there is still so much to be done:
We have set a target to lower are emissions 50% by 2025. While it’s not possible for us to operate fully emission free in the short-term, the good news is, that for scope 1 & 2, we’re climate neutral starting from 2021.
Our compensation is done in partnerships with the non-profit organization MyClimate. We chose MyClimate, as they apply only the strictest, highest quality standards such as CDM, Gold Standard, VCS and Plan Vivo when selecting and designing carbon offset projects.
For offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions of our own production, two carbon offset projects were chosen that meet the high requirements of the Gold Standard and, in addition to reducing greenhouse gases, demonstrably make a positive contribution to sustainable development locally and regionally. The majority of our offsets donations benefit the the biogas project in Terai Arc region of Nepal. In the rural areas of Nepal, women cook for their families largely with wood. This has negative effects on the health of women as well as on the climate. To counteract this problem, this project develops and distributes small biogas plants for private households. In this way, the population is supplied with clean energy and tree populations are preserved.
While we take pride in compensating fully for scope 1 & 2, we acknowledge that a high share of GHG emissions related to our products, is emitted in the production of the raw materials we use (Scope 3), in particular milk. In order to contribute to a sustainable and worth living future, we will focus even more on reducing GHG emissions from milk production in the future.
Innovation is a key driver for more sustainability. For example, plant-based products have a significantly lower carbon footprint than conventional dairy products. Franklin Foods is a pioneer in plant-based foods with over 30 years of experience. We started making plant-based products way before it was the new cool. This experience gives us an unparalleled position to drive the sustainable food business growth in the U.S. market.
We are also developing our capabilities to create renewable energy from waste water, as well as developing innovative ways to reduce plastic in our packaging. Small steps – but in the right direction.
Here are a few other examples of Franklins Foods’ continued commitment to sustainability:
To Celebrate Earth Day 2023, Franklin Foods Donated to the Canopy Project.
In celebration of Earth Day 2023, Franklin Foods planted one tree for every member of the Franklin Foods Family for their dedication and hard work in helping us in achieving our goals to date.
U.S. Dairy Stewardship Commitment 
Franklin Foods has proudly adopted the U.S. Dairy Stewardship Commitment, affirming to our customers, our consumers and the global marketplace Franklin Foods pledge to responsible dairy production as we nourish the communities we serve. For more information about the U.S. Dairy Stewardship Commitment, go to:
Responsible Sourcing of Milk and Cream
Franklin sources all of its milk and cream from local dairy farmers to ensure the highest quality and freshest taste. These farmers are members of the National Dairy FARM Program, assuring responsible animal well-being. The FARM program is a robust program that includes education, training, assessment, and verification. FARM offers a continuous improvement process to ensure a high level of on-farm animal care, including:
- Promoting use of best management practices
- Conducting Second-Party Evaluations on U.S. dairy farms (Beginning of 2016: 38,500 evaluations and more than 94% of the milk supply is enrolled in the program)
- Confirming that producers are providing appropriate care for their animals through Third-Party Verification
Proud Sponsor of the Arizona Food Summit
The Food Summit is a goal-driven initiative to help Arizonans pursue a healthier life. The Arizona Department of Agriculture promotes this initiative by facilitating statewide collaborations to eliminate hunger, reduce nutrition-related diseases, and address the root causes of food insecurity.
The Food Summit is an opportunity to bring people together from across the state to discuss issues, share ideas, and learn about food system success stories.
Symbiotic Cream Cheese Production Process Striving Towards Zero Waste
Beginning on a dairy farm, the milk from cows contains over 90% water. The milk is transformed into cream cheese. A natural bi-product of the production process is whey. The whey is naturally processed and the resulting “sugar water” is returned back to the dairy farm and used to boost cow feed with extra nutrition, thus reducing the amount of outside feed farmers need to purchase.